100% true, Peter, and - because you are such an excellent writer, called to it by God - well said!
Depending upon how you conceptualize it, we are children of God, or manifestations of God, or little drops of the Ocean that is God, or some other partially-correct way of looking at it. But we ARE of God, and He manifests through us, calling us to be ‘who’ we are. For some people, their whole world is football, for others it’s ballet, or guitar playing, or marine biology. People who are consumed by living out their creative calling seldom even think about all the thousands of other ways of living; it’s just not their ‘world’.
You, Peter are smart to have figured out your calling, and to adhere to it as your contribution to the world. You know it’s your calling because you feel compelled to do it, you enjoy it, and you’d do it even if brings you little material reward or acclaim. In this way, you are answering God’s call, and humbly allowing yourself to be an instrument of God. I have had the immediate intuitive sense that you should “stay alive, no matter what”, because I sense that God has some important purpose for you. It will likely come about through your writing and analytical skill because that is what you feel called to do, and that is what you are so amazingly good at doing. I hope you can feel at peace, sensing that you are on the path created by God, and trusting that God will use your magnificence to good purpose.
(By the way, I did write something last week, but deleted it as drivel. I hope what I’m writing this week is better and resonates with you.)
(Emphasis added): “ BE ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING, but in everything by prayer and supplication, WITH THANKSGIVING, let your requests be made known to God; - Philippians 4:6
See? You’ve given your life to God, through Christ, and are now ‘open’ to God’s will; you ‘walk with God’. By doing so, you no longer have to figure out your path all by yourself, and you don’t have to be ‘anxious’ about your path, or its outcome. Just be yourself, be you, and ALLOW. BY the STATE OF BEING at peace, non-anxious, and thankful, you are showing you trust God to guide you. The right people, books, ideas, etc. will show up in your life at the right times. You are allowing God’s plan to unfold through you - but the key is that you ALLOW. You can’t force it, you can’t analyze it intellectually, and if you’re fretting about your decisions, you’re signaling to God that you’re not trusting His guidance. If your state of mind is correct - you’re walking with God - there is no anxiety, no forcing. Just be a state of peace and gratitude.
Remember back to your training in Zen, and translate that into Christianity. Be at peace; be One with the Universe; allow. It applies! I know it’s an awkward shift of mind to flip from analyzing to ‘allowing’God’s will to flow through you, but it’s the Way to manifesting God’s will.
If you wake up in the morning feeling (lovingly, righteously, creatively) compelled to do something, you’re likely on the right path. You have always been very cerebral and analytical, with the brainpower to be very good at tasks that require these attributes. Now you are growing into the part of your life where you develop your intuition and closeness to the Infinite. If you humbly just abide in patience, trusting and ‘allowing’ God, He will guide you- maybe not in the timespan you’re expecting, or the manner - but prayers are answered in keeping with God’s plan. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Just continue being ‘you’, and I believe the paths you followed will all make sense in retrospect.
Words have meaning,
Thank you for yours.
All Facts Matter....⚖️
100% true, Peter, and - because you are such an excellent writer, called to it by God - well said!
Depending upon how you conceptualize it, we are children of God, or manifestations of God, or little drops of the Ocean that is God, or some other partially-correct way of looking at it. But we ARE of God, and He manifests through us, calling us to be ‘who’ we are. For some people, their whole world is football, for others it’s ballet, or guitar playing, or marine biology. People who are consumed by living out their creative calling seldom even think about all the thousands of other ways of living; it’s just not their ‘world’.
You, Peter are smart to have figured out your calling, and to adhere to it as your contribution to the world. You know it’s your calling because you feel compelled to do it, you enjoy it, and you’d do it even if brings you little material reward or acclaim. In this way, you are answering God’s call, and humbly allowing yourself to be an instrument of God. I have had the immediate intuitive sense that you should “stay alive, no matter what”, because I sense that God has some important purpose for you. It will likely come about through your writing and analytical skill because that is what you feel called to do, and that is what you are so amazingly good at doing. I hope you can feel at peace, sensing that you are on the path created by God, and trusting that God will use your magnificence to good purpose.
(By the way, I did write something last week, but deleted it as drivel. I hope what I’m writing this week is better and resonates with you.)
(Emphasis added): “ BE ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING, but in everything by prayer and supplication, WITH THANKSGIVING, let your requests be made known to God; - Philippians 4:6
See? You’ve given your life to God, through Christ, and are now ‘open’ to God’s will; you ‘walk with God’. By doing so, you no longer have to figure out your path all by yourself, and you don’t have to be ‘anxious’ about your path, or its outcome. Just be yourself, be you, and ALLOW. BY the STATE OF BEING at peace, non-anxious, and thankful, you are showing you trust God to guide you. The right people, books, ideas, etc. will show up in your life at the right times. You are allowing God’s plan to unfold through you - but the key is that you ALLOW. You can’t force it, you can’t analyze it intellectually, and if you’re fretting about your decisions, you’re signaling to God that you’re not trusting His guidance. If your state of mind is correct - you’re walking with God - there is no anxiety, no forcing. Just be a state of peace and gratitude.
Remember back to your training in Zen, and translate that into Christianity. Be at peace; be One with the Universe; allow. It applies! I know it’s an awkward shift of mind to flip from analyzing to ‘allowing’God’s will to flow through you, but it’s the Way to manifesting God’s will.
Bless you always, Peter
As always, thanks for the high praise!
I will, however, correct you in one small regard. What I am doing I feel called to do, but I am always asking “is this what I am called to do?”
I am smart, but that means I am smart enough to know I might have missed a burning bush or two along the way! ;)
If you wake up in the morning feeling (lovingly, righteously, creatively) compelled to do something, you’re likely on the right path. You have always been very cerebral and analytical, with the brainpower to be very good at tasks that require these attributes. Now you are growing into the part of your life where you develop your intuition and closeness to the Infinite. If you humbly just abide in patience, trusting and ‘allowing’ God, He will guide you- maybe not in the timespan you’re expecting, or the manner - but prayers are answered in keeping with God’s plan. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Just continue being ‘you’, and I believe the paths you followed will all make sense in retrospect.