Another good read, However, you state "We do not need to ask for forgiveness. We have only to accept that we are forgiven, and that we are redeemed. We have only to move forward from where we are, and hopefully strive to come closer to God." and I see your point.

However, I still feel that one should ask for forgiveness as to me it is a way to show God that we are sincere and that we are acknowledging our failures.

Also, nothing to do with your article, but I still have to get an email from your Substack before it lets me comment. Yours is the only one that this happens to. Not sure why as you have told me you haven't done anything different to your settings. Just letting you know.

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"However, I still feel that one should ask for forgiveness as to me it is a way to show God that we are sincere and that we are acknowledging our failures."

God is going to know if we are sincere even before we make any demonstration of that sincerity. Omniscience, after all, is one of the perks of being God.

At the same time, if one IS sincere in repentence, the asking for forgiveness becomes almost reflexive, even instinctive.

My take: the actual asking for forgiveness is not something we NEED to do. It is, however, something we are likely to do, and especially if we are sincere in our repentence.

I will contact Substack support about your issue. I am curious--do you have the same issue with All Facts Matter, or is it just Peter's Proverbs?

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I think it's mainly because I click on the reply while looking at it the post in my email, rather than clicking on your Substack and then going to the post and it looks like I am signed in on the email but when I go to the actual post, I may not be.

It's probably because your posts are some of the first ones I try to comment on. I'll try it differently next time and see if it happens again. I think it's just the Proverbs and not All Facts Matter. Nothing has changed on my end.

I do have problems with Substack in liking comments as well, which I never used to have and have never figured out as I can like posts but not comments. I think my Windows version and browser is just getting old. I'm still on Windows 8.1 and it's not supported anymore by Microsoft or Google upgrades. I think I need to upgrade, but I'm a tight ass, i guess!

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