A beautiful account of Elizabeth and Mary. I love the part John jumping at the sound of Mary’s voice while Elizabeth is still pregnant. Oh, the details woven within. Only the touch of the creator. Psalm 8


1 Lord, our Lord,

how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Peace and Merry Christmas 🎄

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In the quantum realm, energy interacts in many amazing ways. There is ‘action at a distance’, particles are ‘entangled’, and energy interacts with ‘consciousness’. To sum up boatloads of quantum physics, there does indeed appear to be pathways and mechanisms through which God’s intentions can be manifested, resulting in what we consider to be miracles. Maybe a great many of the results we experience are thus God’s miracles, and they are happening all the time. Some are for your benefit, Peter - I believe it!

Einstein reportedly stated that there are two ways to look at life: as if nothing is a miracle or as if everything is a miracle. I believe that if you trust in God’s plan, everything is a miracle.

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