"We certainly cannot reverence and honor God with treachery and violence."

I submit to you there are two types of individuals (and a big confused mass too).

Those that believe in God and those that do not believe in God.

The believers struggle with fulfilling their beliefs, the non-believers do not.

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I watch a lot of old movies from the 30s, 40s, and 50s, partly because I long for the civility of previous eras. Although people then were as flawed as people have always been, there was an underlying agreement on what constitutes moral behavior - and it comes down to kindness and belief in God. We’ve got to get our civilization back to a similar mindset, or we are doomed. I thank you, Peter, for doing your part to advance this idea of being a caring society.

God help us in this. Are we really going to follow the path of Los Angeles? Do we have to come to utter destruction before society finally eliminates the incompetent from positions of power, the predatory people from being able to commit deliberate harm to others? Please, God, let us be at the turning point NOW, as a new Trump administration is inaugurated into an era of recovery from the insanity of the past several years. Lord help us all!

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Really interesting post!


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