Good read as usual. will be linking it. Also liked the verse, haven't used that one before, so I think I'll use it today as well!!

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Beautifully said, Peter! You really are a gifted thinker and writer.

I have had several very intelligent and highly educated friends in my life who simply could not believe in God. They were limited by semantics, concepts, and indoctrination. If only they could grasp that God is not a little old bearded man in a robe. God is a Power, a Field, a Life Force, an eternal and all-powerful Love and Intelligence. God works His Intelligence through molecular bonding forces, botanical life renewal, reproductive stem-cell phenomena, and a zillion other amazing mechanisms that we humans can partly understand. Expand your mindset, unbelievers, and truly get a glimpse of the limitless wonders of His abilities! Then you can believe, and in believing you can benefit from His eternal love!

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