Thank you for your kind words.

I merely speak the truth that is within me. Writing these is always a novel exercise, as I never know where I am going with any of them!

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Really well said, Peter!

One of the things I love about films from the 1930s, 40s, and 50s is that people during those eras understood that doing the right thing was important. Doing good is its own reward. The heroes didn’t rob a bank and ‘get away with it’ - they caught the bank robber and saved the townspeople from harm. The heroes rescued others from danger, not because they expected a cash reward, but because it’s the caring, civilized, moral action to take. Good people do good because it’s good!

Our society needs to get back to the biblical advice to give kindness and do the right thing. I pick up trash in the neighborhood, not because anyone rewards me, but because it’s the right thing to do. I appreciate when someone holds a door open for me because it’s a kind and considerate thing to do for a stranger. It makes for a CIVIL society - and that’s clearly what we need!

You’re doing your part, Peter, and I will always appreciate you for it. Bless you!

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