Good read once again. As you may know if you have ever gone to my web site, I have four sections of news and links THE BIG PICTURE, NEWS, ECONOMIC NEWS and SURVIVAL, PREPAREDNESS AND SELF-SUFFICIENCY. Will be linking this as your Proverbs have become a regular Sunday link for me @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/ as well as a lot of your other posts throughout the week . Will be linking this one in THE BIG PICTURE section. Sometimes people forget that God is the most important part of "the Big Picture" !

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I have visited your website a few times as it helps keep me abreast of what other people are thinking and saying.

Thank you always for inclusion of my work in your links. It is high praise indeed!

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Aug 18Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

I appreciate your thoughtful reflection on holiness and human worth. Your message resonates deeply with me, especially in how you connect God's call to holiness with our inherent value as human beings.

I particularly agree with your emphasis on applying this principle both to others and to ourselves. It's often easier to recognize the worth in others while neglecting our own value, so your reminder to care for ourselves as part of our spiritual journey is powerful.

Your interpretation of transformation - moving from harmful to helpful behaviors - is beautifully simple yet profound. It provides a practical framework for living out our faith in daily life.

The contrast you draw between God's view of human worth and the world's often transactional perspective is thought-provoking. It challenges us to reconsider how we value ourselves and others in society.

Thank you for this uplifting message. It serves as an important reminder of our calling to excellence and the divine worth inherent in every person, including ourselves. Your words encourage us to strive for holiness while embracing our intrinsic value as God's creation.

A powerful supporting verse for this message would be:

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." - 1 Peter 2:9

This verse beautifully reinforces the key themes of the article:

It emphasizes our calling to holiness ("a holy nation").

It underscores our inherent worth to God ("God's special possession").

It highlights our transformation ("called you out of darkness into his wonderful light").

It suggests a purpose for this calling and transformation ("that you may declare the praises of him").

This verse from Peter's letter encapsulates the idea that we are called to be holy, that we have intrinsic value to God, and that this calling involves a transformation of our lives. It supports your message about recognizing our worth and striving for excellence in how we treat ourselves and others.

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Aug 18Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Truer words were never spoken, Peter.

Someone once said that God is like the ocean, and each one of us is like a drop of water in the ocean. A drop of water is not the ocean, but we have some of the same properties of the ocean. We - our eternal Consciousness- make up some of the ocean, and each drop of water is important, each drop is of equal worth. We must cherish and care for ourselves, and for every other soul, and strive to be loving as God loves.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” - Matthew 5:6

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Aug 18Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Beautifully said. Your use of metaphors and analogies brings a vivid and relatable quality to the topic of human worth and holiness. The image of the drop of water as a metaphor for human souls is incredibly powerful, as is the comparison of God to an ocean.

The quote from Matthew is the perfect capstone to this discussion, emphasizing the idea that when we seek righteousness and holiness, we are rewarded by the fulfillment of our deepest desires.

As a Christian, this call to holiness goes beyond mere behavior modification or adherence to rules.

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Aug 18Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Very inspirational.

In contrast to the ruling system, who places value on one, but no value on another.

We matter, we are important, we count! All of us!

Thank you for that, Peter.

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Aug 18Liked by Peter Nayland Kust

Remembering that all humans matter in God’s eyes is a profound and liberating truth.

The world can often feel like a place that values some people more than others. Yet, in the face of systems and structures that perpetuate injustice and inequality, holding on to our value and worth, as well as recognizing the worth of those around us, can be a source of strength and resilience.

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Very true, incredibly true.

Thank You.

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